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The Victorian Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2018: A Guide to Category C Level 3 Positions

If you`re looking for a career in the Catholic education sector in Victoria, you may have come across the Victorian Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2018. This agreement sets out the terms and conditions of employment for teachers, principals, and support staff across Catholic schools in Victoria.

One important aspect of the agreement is the categorization of positions. Category C positions are classified by the education level of the role, with Level 3 being the highest level in this category. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at what it means to work in a Category C Level 3 position under the Victorian Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2018.

What Does a Category C Level 3 Position Mean?

A Category C Level 3 position is a senior teacher position in the Victorian Catholic education system. These positions usually involve additional responsibilities beyond teaching, such as leadership roles, specialized subject areas, or management of specific programs. A teacher in a Category C Level 3 position may also have a leadership role in curriculum development, teacher professional development, or student welfare.

Under the Multi-Enterprise Agreement, Category C Level 3 positions are subject to a higher pay range than other teaching positions. This recognizes the additional responsibilities and expertise required for these roles. Other benefits may include additional leave entitlements, specialist training opportunities, and access to professional development programs.

Requirements for a Category C Level 3 Position

To be eligible for a Category C Level 3 position, you`ll need to meet certain requirements in addition to being a qualified teacher. These may include:

– Minimum of five years` teaching experience

– Completion of additional professional development programs or studies in a specialized area

– Demonstrated expertise in the specific subject area or program

– Proven leadership and management skills

– Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues and other stakeholders

It`s important to note that Category C Level 3 positions are competitive, and there may be limited opportunities available. However, if you`re committed to ongoing professional development and have a passion for leadership and innovation in Catholic education, this could be a rewarding and fulfilling career path.

How to Apply for a Category C Level 3 Position

If you`re interested in pursuing a Category C Level 3 position in Catholic education in Victoria, you`ll need to keep an eye out for advertised vacancies. These may be listed on job boards, Catholic education websites, or through individual school networks.

When applying for a Category C Level 3 position, focus on your experience and qualifications in the relevant subject area or program, as well as your leadership and management expertise. Provide examples of successful initiatives or programs you`ve developed or managed, and highlight your ability to work collaboratively with colleagues and other stakeholders.


The Victorian Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2018 provides a framework for employment in Catholic schools in Victoria. Category C Level 3 positions offer opportunities for senior teachers to take on additional responsibilities and leadership roles in specialized subject areas or programs. To be eligible for these positions, you`ll need to meet specific requirements and demonstrate your expertise and leadership skills. While competition may be fierce, pursuing a Category C Level 3 position could be a rewarding and fulfilling career path in Catholic education.