


A staggering 65% of married couples in America have had or are currently having an affair.

Our past experience shows us the following days are the best days to catch a cheat:

  • Before any given weekend; Thursday/Friday, or after any given weekend; Monday/Tuesday
  • The cheaters and/or lovers birthday
  • The Thursday before a long holiday weekend and the Tuesday after the long holiday weekend
  • Pre-Valentines Day: February 12th or 13th, surveillance during lunch on February 14th (that night the cheating partner/spouse has to be with you!)
  • Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday before Thanksgiving
  • The Friday following Thanksgiving Day, when claiming they have to work
  • Company Christmas parties, when in the past you were able to attend
  • December 23rd or lunch on the 24th
  • New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day

You’re Not Alone In This Subject – Let Us Get To The Bottom Of Your Suspicions Once and For All Professionally and Discreetly